Meg Goodman
Strategic Marketing and Operations Professional. Meg is a marketing and operations executive with 30+ years of experience in industries that range from financial services, credit cards
and insurance to retail, travel and entertainment, consumer packaged goods and higher education. Most recently, Meg was VP/managing director at Jacobs and Clevenger and senior vice president and director of client services at DRUM. She has also held senior positions at Aspen Marketing (Epsilon), Townsend Agency, FCB, DDB, Grey Direct, RAPP and her own marketing and operations consultancy, PCG.
Meg is a sought-after consultant, lecturer, educator, and author who has spoken at numerous
conferences/seminars and written for several business publications. She is a winner of the
CADM Pat Wheelless Mentor of the Year award and the recipient of the 2019 CADM Susan Kryl
Silver Marketer of the year awarded for excellence and leadership in the Chicago marketing
community. Meg served as a 10-year director on the board of the Business Marketing
Association (now ANA), a board member of the Chicago Association of Direct Marketing and a
Cohort Mentor with Chicago Innovation. Meg is a member of the Board of Directors of The
DuPage Symphony Orchestra, the Executive Class of She Runs It, the Village of Winfield
Marketing and Communications Commission and an ordained Ruling Elder at River Glen
Presbyterian Church.
She spent her high school years in Glen Ellyn. Her degree is from Illinois State University and
she has studied Behavioral Economics at The University of Chicago Meg has a black belt in Hapkido, scuba dives and can be found riding her motorcycle…in good weather!